Arrow Video Series

Answer Your Com­plex Ques­tions with Straight Answers


Unit­ed Cere­bral Pal­sy of the North Bay and Arrow Ben­e­fits Group demon­strate what com­mu­ni­ty lead­er­ship looks like through their long stand­ing rela­tion­ship. UCP of
the North Bay is a local­ly run, 501© (3) orga­ni­za­tion found­ed in 1981 after the merg­er of UCP of Marin (1954) and UCP of Sono­ma (1969). This video is part of a con­tin­u­ing series devot­ed to the peo­ple and orga­ni­za­tions that improve the com­mu­ni­ties we live





Announc­ing New Cal­i­for­nia Assem­bly Bill (AB) 72 

Out-of-Net­work Cov­er­age and Mem­ber Cost Sharing

New Cal­i­for­nia law

Effec­tive July 1, 2017, this new state law pro­tects indi­vid­u­als from receiv­ing unex­pect­ed “sur­prise or bal­ance” med­ical bills from an out-of-net­work (OON) doctor
when receiv­ing inpa­tient and out­pa­tient non-emer­gency care and ser­vices at an in-net­work health­care facil­i­ty such as a hos­pi­tal, clin­ic, lab, imag­ing cen­ter or oth­er health­care facility. 



Changes to out-of-net­work cov­er­age and cost-sharing

When indi­vid­u­als go to an in-net­work facil­i­ty for care but receive ser­vices from an out-of-net­work doc­tor or health­care provider, they only have to pay their in-network
cost-shar­ing amount that counts toward the annu­al deductible and annu­al out-of-pock­et max­i­mum lim­its accord­ing to their health plan.


An out-of-net­work doc­tor should only bill individuals
after both par­ties have received a copy of the Expla­na­tion of Ben­e­fits (EOB) that reflects the cor­rect in-net­work cost-shar­ing amount owed for the care received. If for any rea­son the out-of-net­work doc­tor or health­care provider receives pay­ment that is more
than the cost share allowed, the out-of-net­work doc­tor must refund the over­pay­ment with­in 30 days


Let us know if we can answer any ques­tions about this or oth­er new laws going into effect – we are here to dis­cuss it all with you! Feel free to con­tact Stephen
McNeil at ( if you have any questions.




New Employ­ee Benefit

Vol­un­teer­ing Time Off (VTO)


Arrow now offers its employee
Vol­un­teer­ing Time Off (VTO), which pro­vides paid time-off to sup­port local, com­mu­ni­ty non-prof­its that they care about. We are con­tin­u­ing our search for com­mu­ni­ty projects that our staff can help with. Are you a non-prof­it that has a project needing
sup­port? Please let us know!


If you have any half-day projects you would have a need for in the Fall or Win­ter, please reach out to Jor­dan Ari­co at
[email protected]








Arrow Ben­e­fits Group

One Wil­low­brook Court, Suite 230

Petaluma, CA 94954

(707) 992‑3780