Keep­ing You Informed!

AB 908 – Signed into Law




Cal­i­for­nia State Dis­abil­i­ty and Paid Fam­i­ly Leave Ben­e­fits Increase for 2018


Effec­tive Jan­u­ary 1, 2018 in accor­dance with Assem­bly Bill 908, California’s State Dis­abil­i­ty ben­e­fits as well as its Paid Fam­i­ly Leave ben­e­fits have been increased from the cur­rent ben­e­fit of
55% to one of the following:


·70%: For indi­vid­u­als who earned less than one-third of the state’s aver­age quar­ter­ly wage dur­ing the pri­or four quarters.


·60%: For indi­vid­u­als who earned one-third or more of the state’s aver­age quar­ter­ly wage dur­ing the pri­or four quarters.


·AB 908 will also elim­i­nate the 7‑day wait­ing peri­od for Paid Fam­i­ly Leave claims.
Note: the 7‑day wait­ing peri­od for dis­abil­i­ty claims will remain in force.


These increas­es that are effec­tive Jan­u­ary 1, 2018 will expire on Jan­u­ary 1, 2022.





Up In The Air

With a New Arrow Video

Soon after post­ing its CPR video in 2017, Arrow was con­tact­ed by Amer­i­can Air­lines to see if Arrow could be high­light­ed on its busi­ness chan­nel dur­ing flights in the months of Decem­ber and
Jan­u­ary. The air­line request­ed a video spot­light­ing the unique rela­tion­ship between Arrow and the com­mu­ni­ties that it serves. The video can be viewed below!


Ben­e­fits are all about com­mu­ni­ty! Here’s why we care. 





Our own Rosario Avila

Pub­lished in North Bay Biz Magazine



Med­ical Insur­ance & Lan­guage Barriers

By Rosario Avila


Ten­go Seguro medico, pero no se como usar­lo! Or as we say in Eng­lish– I have med­ical insur­ance, but don’t know how to use it.


The employ­ee ben­e­fits world can be con­fus­ing, and pro­vid­ing infor­ma­tion in an unfa­mil­iar lan­guage only adds anoth­er obsta­cle, mak­ing it dif­fi­cult to under­stand and use. With so many types of medical
plans and employ­er arrange­ments, it’s no won­der His­pan­ic employ­ees would rather go to a local clin­ic or emer­gency room than use the med­ical ben­e­fits giv­en to them by their employers.