Our Span­ish Lan­guage Division

Break­ing the Lan­guage and Cul­ture Barriers



To pro­vide clear and under­stand­able health ben­e­fits infor­ma­tion to Span­ish speak­ing employ­ees, we launched our Span­ish Lan­guage Divi­sion to counter the lack of support,
resources, and edu­ca­tion in the Span­ish-speak­ing com­mu­ni­ty. “We want to break the lan­guage and cul­ture bar­ri­ers. With a divi­sion specif­i­cal­ly designed to edu­cate, answer ques­tions, and give guid­ance and resources regard­ing not only health insur­ance but employer
ben­e­fits, we can break down the com­plex­i­ty and make insur­ance a more usable and valu­able ben­e­fit,” says Alian­za Lead Rosario Avi­la. The response and results have been so pos­i­tive and talked about, we want­ed to share our video series high­light­ing the program.


Under­stand­ing insur­ance can be con­fus­ing, and the added obsta­cle of infor­ma­tion being pro­vid­ed in an unfa­mil­iar lan­guage makes it much hard­er to under­stand and utilize.


Watch here to see how we are chang­ing this paradigm: 



Spanish Language Division | Arrow Benefits Group




Arrow In The Nation­al Press





Se Habla Español at Arrow Ben­e­fits Group – by Bruce Shutan



Arrow Ben­e­fits Group (ABG) has launched a divi­sion that offers the Span­ish-speak­ing employ­ee pop­u­la­tions it serves hands-on ben­e­fits selec­tion guid­ance in their native


Named Alian­za (which means alliance in Eng­lish), the group includes a team of six ben­e­fit spe­cial­ists and two HR sup­port staffers who are flu­ent in Span­ish and understand
Latin culture…Spanish-speaking employ­ees and their fam­i­lies can call in, text or email ques­tions con­cern­ing their ben­e­fits offer­ings and receive a direct response.