Our HeartSafe/AED Campaign

In The News!


Petaluma com­pa­ny gives $100K for North Bay busi­ness­es’ AEDs


THE PRESS DEMOCRAT | June 8, 2017, 4:13PM



The lat­est effort to reduce Sono­ma Coun­ty deaths from car­diac arrest comes from a Petaluma com­pa­ny that recent­ly pledged $100,000 to pur­chase automated
exter­nal defib­ril­la­tors for North Bay busi­ness­es. Sta­cy Gib­bons, exec­u­tive direc­tor of Amer­i­can Heart Asso­ci­a­tion North Bay, called the move by Arrow Ben­e­fits Group “unprece­dent­ed.”


Arrow Ben­e­fits Group’s first for­ay into reduc­ing car­diac arrest deaths was in late 2014, when the com­pa­ny asked the Petaluma Health
Care Dis­trict to teach its employ­ees hands-only CPR… After Arrow Ben­e­fits Group employ­ees went through CPR train­ing them­selves, the com­pa­ny start­ed the Arrow Well­ness Ini­tia­tive, which offers free CPR and first-aid train­ing to its more than 900 busi­ness clients
across the North Bay. Pro­vid­ing $100,000 for its clients to pur­chase AEDs is an exten­sion of that effort, said prin­ci­pal part­ner Andrew McNeil. The group plans to pay for half of every AED, sig­nif­i­cant­ly cut­ting the cost for busi­ness­es wish­ing to purchase
the $1,800 devices.


“We decid­ed about a month ago that this was the direc­tion we want­ed to go,” he said. “We real­ly want­ed to focus on it from a business
stand­point. … Car­diac arrest is the No. 1 killer in a place of busi­ness. The fire depart­ment takes about four or five min­utes to reach you, so it’s great to have (an AED) on-site.”





Arrow Video Vignettes 

Answer Your Com­plex Ques­tions with Straight Answers


This is the first in our series:  HeartSafe/AED

explains our new life-sav­ing program


To par­tic­i­pate with us in get­ting a machine placed in your office con­tact Andrew McNeil @
[email protected] or by call­ing 707–992-3789




A Quick Update

The Amer­i­can Health Care Act


We hear about health­care reform in the news every day.


Pun­dits are all over the papers and the air­waves dis­sect­ing the main fea­tures of the “new reform” rules put for­ward under the Amer­i­can Health Care Act (AHCA), which
was nar­row­ly passed last month by the U.S. House of Rep­re­sen­ta­tives. Yet, there are sev­er­al steps to go.