Arrow Found­ing Part­ner, Kei­th McNeil, is fea­tured as an expert guest advi­sor in a new book on self-funding.


NextGen­er­a­tion Healthcare

Pro­vides Proven Solu­tions for Employ­ers Fac­ing Ris­ing Health­care Costs



Due to the explod­ing costs of health­care in the US, many experts are turn­ing to inno­v­a­tive, out-of-the-box solu­tions to make health­care more afford­able for employees
and sus­tain­able for employ­ers pro­vid­ing benefits.


Among lead­ing busi­ness con­sul­tants and next-gen­er­a­tion ben­e­fits advi­sors, the exper­tise of Kei­th McNeil, Senior Part­ner at Arrow Ben­e­fits Group, is fea­tured in the
new book
Health­care: Proven Secrets of Man­ag­ing the Health­care Val­ue Chain to Improve Out­comes and Reduce Costs.







Moans and Groans

About Stu­dent Loans


The sta­tis­tics are startling:


The total bur­den of stu­dent debt in the Unit­ed States is $1.4 trillion.

In 2017 the medi­an mil­len­ni­al wage was $43,000.

In the same year, the medi­an mil­len­ni­al debt was $37,000.

59% of employ­ees between the ages of 22 to 44 have stu­dent debt.


Debt is the #1 finan­cial chal­lenge to all Amer­i­cans, and by a wide mar­gin. This lack of fiscal
health has a neg­a­tive effect on both men­tal and phys­i­cal health, both of which affect employ­ee per­for­mance and motivation.


In a time of reduced unem­ploy­ment, the bat­tle for tal­ent and its reten­tion is increas­ing. How do we get qual­i­ty employ­ees? What can we offer to keep them? If they
stay, how can we help max­i­mize appre­ci­a­tion and thus loy­al­ty? The sim­ple answer is to offer a mean­ing­ful com­pen­sa­tion and ben­e­fits pack­age. The more rel­e­vant, and com­plex, answer is to address spe­cif­ic employ­ee needs and thus cre­ate a more mean­ing­ful employee