Arrow Ben­e­fits Group

Announces Major Expan­sion and For­ma­tion of a New Company



We are pleased to share that, on Jan­u­ary 1st, 2019, Arrow Ben­e­fits Group became a found­ing agency of a new nation­al bro­ker­age with 17 part­ners nation­wide. This new
com­pa­ny, Patri­ot Growth Insur­ance Ser­vices (PGIS), will increase the depth, scope and breadth of avail­able tools and resources – all while retain­ing our per­son­al ser­vice approach and our com­mit­ment to our com­mu­ni­ty. Your ser­vice con­tacts and cus­tomer experience
remain unchanged and our brand con­tin­ues as Arrow Ben­e­fits Group.


As part of our expan­sion, we pur­chased four inde­pen­dent ben­e­fit firms and wel­comed a new merg­er part­ner, which has fur­thered Arrow’s foot­print and scope of services
for clients. We have also formed strate­gic part­ner­ships with firms spe­cial­iz­ing in Prop­er­ty & Casu­al­ty, Finan­cial Plan­ning, and Retire­ment Plan Advising. 


to see our entire press release about the expansion.