Our New HR Division!

Arrow Benefits Welcomes The Personnel Perspective

North Bay HR indus­try leader The Per­son­nel Per­spec­tive and Arrow Ben­e­fits Group have launched a unique col­lab­o­ra­tive part­ner­ship and the new HR divi­sion at Arrow. The part­ner­ship is a first of its kind in the North Bay. Karen Alary, Man­ag­ing Part­ner at The Per­son­nel Per­spec­tive, explains, “The employ­ee ben­e­fits field fits hand-in-glove with the human resources pro­fes­sion, so this is a log­i­cal move for both firms as it pro­vides a depth of exper­tise and resources that is hard to beat. Arrow Part­ner Jor­dan Shields agrees, say­ing, “We are now the only firm that offers inclu­sive sup­port for clients with admin­is­tra­tion, ben­e­fits and HR under one umbrel­la.” For 30 years, The Per­son­nel Per­spec­tive has been pro­vid­ing human resources con­sult­ing, train­ing, and recruit­ing to clients based in Cal­i­for­nia as well as mul­ti-state employers.


More NEWS from Our HR Divi­sion — The Per­son­nel Per­spec­tive announces its new Train­ing and Devel­op­ment Depart­ment, unique in the North Bay.


Arlene Smith, with the com­pa­ny since 1997, will head up the new depart­ment designed to help clients make the most of their best resource: their employees.

The depart­men­t’s aim is to solve busi­ness prob­lems, improve effi­cien­cy, strength­en employ­ee reten­tion, and increase val­ue. The depart­ment will also help clients for­mal­ize and ener­gize men­tor­ing and coach­ing process­es. Arlene has served as exec­u­tive coach, career coun­selor, train­er, and instruc­tion­al design­er. “Arlene’s pro­mo­tion rec­og­nizes her con­tri­bu­tions to TPP and will give her the oppor­tu­ni­ty to lever­age her won­der­ful tal­ents,” said Alary. “She brings vital­i­ty, pro­fes­sion­al­ism, warmth, and a mind­set of ser­vice and advo­ca­cy to her work with clients, who rec­og­nize her as an astute, insight­ful, and trust­ed advi­sor — attrib­ut­es that espe­cial­ly suit her to this new role. I know she will con­tin­ue sup­port­ing and moti­vat­ing both estab­lished and up-and-com­ing lead­ers to be more effec­tive and con­fi­dent in their roles, an invalu­able skill that will pro­pel the suc­cess of the new department.”




The Per­son­nel Per­spec­tive also just hired HR vet­er­an Jen­nifer Pierre as a senior consultant.

Jennifer PierreJen­nifer brings over 17 years of human resources man­age­ment and lead­er­ship expe­ri­ence to TPP. She has worked with city gov­ern­ment, acad­e­mia, finan­cial insti­tu­tions, and For­tune 500 com­pa­nies. She spe­cial­izes in train­ing, lead­er­ship devel­op­ment, coach­ing, employ­ee rela­tions, leaves of absence, work­ers’ com­pen­sa­tion, emo­tion­al intel­li­gence, inves­ti­ga­tions, and suc­ces­sion planning.

Learn more about lead­ing HR strate­gies at www.personnelperspective.com or call 707–576-7653.


Market Consolidation

What Does It Mean to Your Business?

The giant insur­ance com­pa­nies and bro­kers have been going through a big change late­ly. Name­ly, they’re get­ting big­ger. Anthem is buy­ing Cigna, Aet­na is buy­ing Humana, and Health Net has suc­cumbed to Cen­tene. While these merg­ers ben­e­fit share­hold­ers, how do these changes affect all of us, who rely on these com­pa­nies for our health coverage?

His­tor­i­cal­ly, merg­ers of this nature have meant ris­ing costs, few­er choic­es, and the dis­ap­pear­ance of any­thing resem­bling per­son­al touch in the indus­try. Despite the com­pa­nies’ claim that the merg­ers are good for us as con­sumers, these changes don’t have our best inter­ests at heart.

Merg­ers by def­i­n­i­tion reduce the num­ber of com­peti­tors, and with the lim­it­ed num­ber of health plans, that can be impor­tant. Some employ­ers are look­ing to alter­nate fund­ing arrange­ments includ­ing par­tial self-insur­ance. By tak­ing on more of the risk, this can open up oppor­tu­ni­ties and reduce the depen­den­cy on the reduc­ing list of health plans.

Arrow offers a com­plete Fea­si­bil­i­ty Study for employ­ers that are inter­est­ed in learn­ing more and talk­ing about options with us. Please con­tact us so we can help you nav­i­gate the chang­ing land­scape and come through these changes unscathed.


North Bay Biz Magazine

Arrow Benefits Group recently featured in the September 2015 Issue

“Health Care Check-up”

“The chang­ing role of the bro­ker is to take on more respon­si­bil­i­ty to work with the client. It’s not just about health rates and fund­ing now, it’s about admin­is­tra­tion and com­pli­ance,” says Jor­dan Shields…“We com­pete on ser­vice, depth of knowl­edge and sup­port — and not just for large employ­ers, but small employ­ers with­out a human resources person.”

Read More HERE!