November 2015 Newsletter

Arrow Wins

North Bay Business Journal’s Best Places to Work!

We are thrilled to announce that we’ve just won North Bay’s Best Place to Work award from our com­mu­ni­ty and team nom­i­na­tions. This is espe­cial­ly mean­ing­ful to us because the award is based on indi­vid­ual inde­pen­dent rank­ings from our own team members.

We look for­ward to con­tin­u­ing our com­mit­ment to our com­mu­ni­ty by serv­ing those in it to our very best. Thank you every­one at team Arrow!


Stay Tuned

Legislation Designed to Repeal the Cadillac Tax

One of the more obscure, but impor­tant, pro­vi­sions of the Afford­able Care Act was the impo­si­tion of the so called “Cadil­lac Tax.”

We’re not sure what Cadil­lacs cost these days, but appar­ent­ly they are a Wash­ing­ton stock in trade. The statute, which does not come into play until 2018, is designed to penal­ize plans that cost an “exces­sive amount” which, as the orig­i­nal ACA said, are those plans that have an annu­al cost over $10,200 for an indi­vid­ual and $27,500 for an employ­ee cov­er­ing depen­dents. Any cov­er­age cost amount over that thresh­old will be charged off at 40% — and this charge is imposed on the car­ri­er, not the employ­er or the employ­ee direct­ly. The car­ri­ers, of course, will pass this on in the form of even high­er pre­mi­ums. Note that the total cost of cov­er­age also includes HRA, HAS Or FSA contributions.

This was not a major item of atten­tion, but now as 2018 is on the not too dis­tant hori­zon, it has attract­ed the atten­tion of unions, employ­ers, con­sumers and politi­cians.  So, the bat­tle begins.

There are already three pieces of leg­is­la­tion designed to repeal the Cadil­lac tax so stay tuned…it’s going to be a bumpy ride but Arrow will def­i­nite­ly be here to help you gauge the lev­el of expo­sure and apprise you of the cur­rent state of risk.

Please con­tact us any­time to talk and ask ques­tions about the impact of this impor­tant shift to your business.


Keeping Up

The Latest Industry Updates

As the New Year approach­es and new laws and reg­u­la­tions come into effect check-in with our new ref­er­ence library of indus­try White Papers & Ref­er­ence Materials.

We now offer infor­ma­tion on a vari­ety of per­ti­nent top­ics writ­ten and dis­cussed by Arrow team experts to keep you informed and up-to-date with the industry.

Find top­ics list­ed on our home­page — pick an issue and click here to read.