Arrow Wins
North Bay Business Journal’s Best Places to Work!
We are thrilled to announce that we’ve just won North Bay’s Best Place to Work award from our community and team nominations. This is especially meaningful to us because the award is based on individual independent rankings from our own team members.
We look forward to continuing our commitment to our community by serving those in it to our very best. Thank you everyone at team Arrow!
Stay Tuned
Legislation Designed to Repeal the Cadillac Tax
One of the more obscure, but important, provisions of the Affordable Care Act was the imposition of the so called “Cadillac Tax.”
We’re not sure what Cadillacs cost these days, but apparently they are a Washington stock in trade. The statute, which does not come into play until 2018, is designed to penalize plans that cost an “excessive amount” which, as the original ACA said, are those plans that have an annual cost over $10,200 for an individual and $27,500 for an employee covering dependents. Any coverage cost amount over that threshold will be charged off at 40% — and this charge is imposed on the carrier, not the employer or the employee directly. The carriers, of course, will pass this on in the form of even higher premiums. Note that the total cost of coverage also includes HRA, HAS Or FSA contributions.
This was not a major item of attention, but now as 2018 is on the not too distant horizon, it has attracted the attention of unions, employers, consumers and politicians. So, the battle begins.
There are already three pieces of legislation designed to repeal the Cadillac tax so stay tuned…it’s going to be a bumpy ride but Arrow will definitely be here to help you gauge the level of exposure and apprise you of the current state of risk.
Please contact us anytime to talk and ask questions about the impact of this important shift to your business.
Keeping Up
The Latest Industry Updates
As the New Year approaches and new laws and regulations come into effect check-in with our new reference library of industry White Papers & Reference Materials.
We now offer information on a variety of pertinent topics written and discussed by Arrow team experts to keep you informed and up-to-date with the industry.
Find topics listed on our homepage — pick an issue and click here to read.