Arrow Ben­e­fits HR

Cul­ture Insights Program!


Pro­gram Sup­ports Busi­ness­es to Ele­vate the Cul­ture With­in Teams 


Petaluma, CA — Arrow Ben­e­fits Group’s HR Divi­sion is rolling out a new pro­gram, Culture
Insights. Cul­ture Insights is an inno­v­a­tive process through which a per­son­al­ized plan is devel­oped for employ­ers to help them oper­ate at their high­est poten­tial by exam­in­ing the com­pa­ny from six key angles. The pro­gram’s aim is to help com­pa­nies become strong
employ­ers whose hir­ing prac­tices, treat­ment of employ­ees, and envi­ron­ment col­lec­tive­ly sup­port a more pos­i­tive and pro­duc­tive cul­ture. A com­pa­ny’s suc­cess is depen­dent on its work­force, and for a com­pa­ny to attract and retain a suc­cess­ful work­force it needs
to be ultra-focused on the wants and needs of the indi­vid­u­als it wish­es to appeal to. Most com­pa­nies focus on salaries and ben­e­fits to attract employ­ees, but that’s not always what keeps peo­ple hap­py and engaged, espe­cial­ly with today’s work­force. If your
com­peti­tor offers the same salary and ben­e­fits, what makes you different? 


The key to suc­cess­ful employ­ee reten­tion is to dif­fer­en­ti­ate from oth­er employ­ers.  “We believe we can build a stronger com­mu­ni­ty by build­ing stronger employ­ers. Stronger employers
trans­late into a stronger local econ­o­my and hap­pi­er, more pro­duc­tive cit­i­zens,” explains facil­i­ta­tor, Arrow Prin­ci­pal Andrew McNeil.


The idea for cre­at­ing the pro­gram was inspired by a tour that McNeil took at last year. In the words of Zap­pos CEO Tony Hsieh, “There’s a lot of talk about work
life sep­a­ra­tion or bal­ance and so on. Our whole thing is about work life inte­gra­tion. It’s just life. And so, the ide­al would be if employ­ees felt empow­ered to be the same per­son at home as in the office, and vice ver­sa. And when peo­ple feel com­fort­able being
them­selves, so much cre­ativ­i­ty comes out of that.“Seeing how Zap­pos has achieved suc­cess by putting high­er pur­pose on cul­ture ver­sus prof­it, McNeil was inspired to imple­ment a pro­gram that would change the land­scape of his indus­try and pave the way for other
com­pa­nies to fol­low suit. McNeil says that inte­gral to this approach is “shift­ing the mind­set from: you’re my employ­ee, you work for me to your my team mem­ber, how can I help you shine so that the com­pa­ny can shine?” 


The Cul­ture Insights pro­gram is a con­sul­ta­tive process meant to take a holis­tic look at an orga­ni­za­tion. The goal being to attract and retain peo­ple they need to rise above
their com­peti­tors. This means we col­lab­o­rate with com­pa­nies to devel­op sev­er­al key com­po­nents for suc­cess with the goal of cre­at­ing a unique envi­ron­ment spe­cif­ic to the indi­vid­ual com­pa­ny including:


  • Pur­pose
  • Mis­sion
  • Val­ues
  • Com­pa­ny Culture
  • Human Resources
  • Employ­ee Benefits

By strength­en­ing these areas, we believe busi­ness­es will achieve a strong and cohe­sive com­pa­ny cul­ture that will sup­port their employ­ees’ needs beyond ben­e­fits and compensation,
and thus fos­ter the com­pa­ny’s con­tin­ued growth and success.


For more infor­ma­tion about the pro­gram and to sign your com­pa­ny up today please con­tact: Andrew McNeil at
or call 707–992-3789.



Peo­ple on the Move

Stephen McNeil



We are pleased to announce the ele­va­tion of Stephen McNeil to the posi­tion of Man­ag­ing Part­ner of Arrow Ben­e­fits Group.

As the com­pa­ny seeks to empow­er the next gen­er­a­tion of own­ers, mov­ing Stephen, who has long shown his excel­lent capa­bil­i­ties of lead­er­ship and a capac­i­ty for cre­at­ing a warm and friend­ly atmos­phere despite the con­tin­u­ing growth of his work­load, is a log­i­cal move.  We know he will help to cre­ate an even bet­ter orga­ni­za­tion, work­ing in tan­dem with the co-founders, who remain a very active part in the con­tin­ued suc­cess of Arrow Ben­e­fits Group.





Phil­an­thropy Award 2017

Arrow Ben­e­fits Group


Arrow Wins North Bay Busi­ness Jour­nal — Phil­an­thropy Award 2017!


Arrow Ben­e­fits Prin­ci­pal, Mari­ah Shields, found her local chap­ter of 100 Sono­ma Coun­ty Peo­ple Who Care — She and Arrow won the North Bay Busi­ness Jour­nal Phil­an­thropy award
for the chap­ter and all their good char­i­ta­ble work. 
Read entire arti­cle here…