Team Arrow

Wish­ing You a Hap­py Hol­i­day Season! 





Our sin­cere wish­es for a won­der­ful and joy­ful hol­i­day sea­son to all our friends & col­leagues. While we’re enjoy­ing the sea­son, we also want to report to you
that we are gath­er­ing infor­ma­tion and solu­tions for your 2017 health­care needs. Look for more updates, infor­ma­tion, and solu­tions from us for our ever-chang­ing insur­ance land­scape to come in the new year — with our best wish­es for all of you and your families.


Mer­ry Christ­mas and Hap­py New Year! 



2017 North Bay

Health Insur­ance Outlook


2017 North Bay health insur­ance out­look: 6%-8% rise in plan rates





Inter­view with Arrow regard­ing health insur­ance changes


“Employ­ees have ques­tions about the sta­tus of their health plans should Pres­i­dent Elect Trump, along with the Repub­li­can-con­trolled House and Sen­ate, make good on his promise
to “Repeal and Replace” Oba­macare. There are so many facets to Oba­macare, many of which are mun­dane and not con­tro­ver­sial, that is would appear like­ly that the ulti­mate replace­ment plan would include many oth­er fea­tures cur­rent­ly found in Oba­macare. We expect
this will take time, so for now we will con­tin­ue to work as if noth­ing has changed until some­thing does in fact change. We will keep our clients informed of pend­ing changes as we learn of them.”

Read Entire Arti­cle Here




Recent­ly Published

Ris­ing Star — Andrew McNeil



North­Bay Biz Mag­a­zine asked busi­ness & com­mu­ni­ty lead­ers to share their picks for young peo­ple mak­ing a dif­fer­ence & our Andrew McNeil, prin­ci­pal was

STARS — NORTHBAY BIZ MAGAZINE — Novem­ber 2016 Issue


Andrew has led Arrow in embrac­ing the con­cept of shift­ing his own com­pa­ny’s cul­ture and is lead­ing the charge by help­ing oth­er employ­ers do the same. His efforts result­ed in
many pos­i­tive changes and are attract­ing a lot of promis­ing tal­ent to the employ­ers he serves. Andrew believes that a unique com­pa­ny cul­ture is what will attract and retain the work­force of the future.


Mil­len­ni­als want to feel good about where they work, believe in the pur­pose and mis­sion of their employ­er, feel appre­ci­at­ed and have fun at the same time. To many millennials,
this is worth more than mon­ey and tra­di­tion­al ben­e­fits. Com­pa­nies late in fig­ur­ing this out will have a hard time com­pet­ing for the work­force they need.  
entire arti­cle here