They say no good deed goes unpunished. That doesn’t have to happen, but creating, designing and implementing always carries the risk of audit, review and unpleasant legal discussions.

Given the constant proliferation of laws, rules and prescribed practices, it is little wonder that what used to work, or what used to be the norm has become outmoded or outlawed. While technically it is our client’s responsibility to keep current, Arrow strongly believes it is our professional responsibility, and duty, to provide a full array of resources and expertise. This is not just to be compliant, but create a better environment for effective communication and systematization of the benefits program. Such an environment emphasizes employee engagement and serves to underscore the cultural ethos of the organization.

Compliance and Legal Services

To ensure that we have full coverage for your coverage, Arrow uses Strategic Partners, programs and the Partners of True Network Advisors – most of these at no cost.

  • Employee Benefits Attorney – Maynard Cooper Gale
  • Labor Attorney – Arrow HR and our legal network
  • ERISA Attorney – in house with Patriot
  • Compliance Specialist – in house with Arrow
  • Mineral (formerly Think HR) – best practices, “spot” legal and HR and documents
  • Legal bulletins – from a number of legal sources we have available
  • HR Service – Wrap SPD, legal support and opinions with ongoing bulletins Expertise and experience of Arrow partners, writing several compliance manuals

We provide a continual flow of current communications on developing and ongoing legislation and regulatory trends:

  • White Papers on all emerging issues
  • Detailed summaries of Labor/Employment benefit laws
  • Webinars and sponsored seminars by our legal partners, carriers and vendors
  • “Arrow” updates and quarterly legal summaries
  • Affordable Care Act compliance and reporting support
  • The alphabet soup: FMLA, ACA, GINA, ERISA, ADA, CMS, WHCRA, ADEA, etc.

Arrow Benefits Group runs a separate division called Arrow HR. This supplies a variety of services, including customized outlines related to labor issues and processes. Arrow HR has professional relationships with a number of California legal firms to add needed representation on issues related to termination, harassment and procedural disagreements.

Employee benefits represent a considerable investment in the talent an organization needs to nurture, making an additional investment in protecting the original is vital – Arrow Benefits Group supports both and provides what our clients need to meet the vast array of challenges they will continue to face on the legal front.